Objective: To ensure the Group is in good financial health and is poised for sustainable generation of shareholder value.

Energy Conservation and Emissions ReductionFocus on adopting measures such as improving energy-saving initiatives on our partto secure our future and the environment. We aim to ensure that our business opera-tions maximise energy use efficiency and reduce our contribution to GHe emissions.

Product Quality and Safety
Objective: To ensure that product quality and safety is never compromised.Target: To achieve zero product safety incidentProduct quality and safety are core to our commercial reputation and consumers' ex-pectations. We are committed to responsible sourcing as it helps assure safety andquality of our end products. We have always stressed the importance of product quali-.ty and safety in our operations in each stage of our production process as evidencedby the GMP certifications over our production facilities.
Occupational Health and Safety
To ensure that our manufacturing facilities remain free from risk to employees, or anyother persons on our premises. Target: To achieve zero workplace injuries Commitment to the safety of our people and of those we work with. Our safety practices outlines the work procedures such that workers can carry out their jobs effectively.Review of our safety practices regularly.

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